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Micro Level

YUVA takes measures for sustainable lifestyles, poverty reduction, and democratization through adult learning and promotes participatory teaching methods. For poverty reduction measures, our focus is on least developed regions and disadvantaged groups.

Meso Level

–  YUVA aims to strengthen environmental, human rights, and civic, intercultural, and political education.

–  YUVA runs capacity-building activities of adult learning institutions to increase the participation of the people in Türkiye in non-formal adult education activities. YUVA strengthens adult learning institutions in responding appropriately to the needs of their target groups and in becoming vibrant hubs for education in their communities.

–  Good practice is being promoted through facilitating local, national, regional, and international cooperation in the field of adult learning.

Macro Level

– To create a supportive environment for learners, facilitators, and adult learning providers, YUVA consults decision-makers and other organizations in creating policies.

–  YUVA holds public debates and events to help put the following themes on the agenda of decision-makers and practitioners:

  1. Being aware of the relationship between humans and all  beings,
  2. Being active in society to defending equality, justice, and solidarity
  3. Being peaceful and inclusive
  4. Valuing diversity.